In Light There is Truth
My first experience with photography was toying around with my father’s old film camera.
As I explored the delicate interplay of light and the human subject,
I fell in love with this medium.
Years later, my desire to capture diverse cultures and landscapes
would compel me to travel to 48 countries.
Along the way,
I discovered that photography
is a unique form of art.
That is, instead of the artist
creating something from raw materials,
the photographer begins
with what is already created.
I begin with the universe.
A glowing sky before me,
A lush ground beneath me.
A soft young gaze, a wise old face.
A beam of light here,
a soft shadow there.
And I must choose.
What to keep,
what to cut.
From what angle,
and how far.
What to cast light upon,
and what to cloak in darkness.
Of these elements,
light is primary.
It is light that draws the eye
to specific parts of the photo,
and it is light that gives a picture its vitality.
illuminated by the sun and shaped by shadows,
the subject is revealed.
Recall the first words spoken into the universe by our Creator
" Let There Be Light"
The body of work you see on this site has been accumulated over the past 12 years of my life.
Here you will find my photography from both
home and abroad.
My work has been published on National Geographic YourShot, selected for National Geographic Photo of the Day and Smithsonian Magazine Photo of the Day. In 2018 I was awarded the Grand Prize for the TripMasters Photo Challenge.
I am now happily married and live in Virginia with my husband and two daughters.​